Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Inner Light

Without going out of my door
I can know all things on earth.
Without looking out of my window
I could know the ways of heaven.
The farther one travels,
The less one knows,
The less one knows.
Without going out of my door
I can know all things on earth.
Without looking out of my window
I could know the ways of heaven.
The farther one travels,
The less one knows,
The less one knows.
Arrive without travelling.
See all without looking.
(See all without looking).

Porque hoje me sinto pequenina...

Engane-se quem possa pensar que fui eu quem escreveu o texto acima apresentado... Não tenho tanto dom...

Até breve!

waiting alone

All of my life I've been waiting...
Waiting to be born,
Waiting to fall in love,
Waiting for someone...
Thinking things through
I've done nothing with my life but
To wait...
And now... Seeing how my life
Has turned out
I lie alone, as always,
and I cry....

Até breve!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Porque hoje me sinto assim...

Uma música dos Beatles vinha mesmo a calhar...

Até breve!