Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Um sentimento

Para hoje, um poema... Parece que ultimamente só consigo escrever em Inglês. Estou a prescisar de uma pausa para parar, reflectir e sentir... O mar, o vento, a vida.

Aqui vai...

Seems like distance
As come between us...
I was waiting for you
Last night but,
Once again,
I stood alone.
I was waiting for you
To see me shine
To see me smile
But instead,
A group of strangers
Did that.
I looked for you
In the vast croud,
Not even a glimpse
An image of you.
A message was all I got
As I stood alone,
Once more,
On stage,
As the lights faded
On me.


Até Breve!

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